Tuesday 27 November 2018

Sufism: From 'Forty Rules of Love' to Remastered 'Imagine'

I usually like getting things discovered by myself. Be it a piece of music, a book, an awe-inspiring portrayal of art in any form. There is something that is completely pure and new in everything.

Being discovered things from a child's perspective!

That's what I am talking about. But, there is something which I didn't discover by myself and was recommended by a friend that has compelled me to do something which I have almost stopped for months. 'Forty Rules of Love' has compelled to write and embrace the convoluted musings. So here is what I gathered,

Forty Rules of Love is a beautiful journey of two parallel characters separated by centuries of time. Rumi blooms from an influence royal persona to insignia of mystified universal spiritualism. The shackled housewife Ella breaks free to love again. The central piece of both parallel narratives is 'Universal Spiritualism,' the bedrock of which is Love! Love is a divine force that can bind people, cultures, and destinies together. It is where all the music attunes to one divine symphony to realize the oneness.

The source of the idea of a 'Sufi' lies in Love, who is devoid of fear, dominance, and hatred. In the eyes of Shams E Tabriz, anyone whose heart is kindled with pure Love can become one with God. The absolution of characters in the novel emanates out of the precincts of religion. Thus Hassan the Beggar, Desert Rose (A prostitute), Suleiman the Dunkard can become one by annihilating their nafs (Ego).

The following rule of Shams explains it well,

“When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a winebibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearances”.'

Is Sufism the eternal answer to our eternal suffering?

The novel depicts two stories: one in the 13th century and the 2nd from the 21st century. All the characters seem like standing on a bank of a gushing river called 'Time' bringing the articulations of human suffering to every being in their period. Maybe the Facade of intricacies can be different, but roots are the same. During the turbulent times in the 13th century, the political and cultural stir was unprecedented. It enlightened the path of a beautiful friendship and spiritual love between Shams and Rumi. The path if simple,

" I am not of the East, nor of the West…
My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless."

The inner journey of Love is the path to become a Sufi. The journey purges the central essence of the seeker of all filth inside him/her. The nafs corrupt the soul and make one blind to the path to God. People search god in temples, churches, and mosques and their mandatory prayers.

Shams says,

"Every man is an open book, every one of us a walking Qur’an. The quest for God is ingrained in the hearts of all, be it a prostitute or a saint. Love exists within each of us from the moment we are born and waits to be discovered from then on. That is what one of the forty rules is all about: The whole universe is contained within a single human being—you. "

“Nothing should stand between yourself and God. Not imams, priests, rabbis, or any other custodians of moral or religious leadership. Not spiritual masters, not even your faith.”

Being the true mentor to Rumi, Shams helped him to attain realization and fill his empty cup with love.

Sufism believes in the unitary nature of the universe. Universe or nature as the totality of everything. It is identical with divinity. This philosophy might be the root for what we call today 'The Pantheism'!

Pantheism (Wahdat al Wujud = Unity of the existence

Pantheism believes the world being in God and God being in the world. Theist religions consider that God is a separate entity from the material world, where the pantheists believe that 'We all together is the God!'

Pantheism incorporates two different notions

Monism: All is One. Being one with the divinity is Monism.  The journey of a Sufi is not different. A Sufi mystic desires to plunge into the ocean of infinite oneness and to obliterate the self in mystical union with God

Determinism: All is Now. This idea denotes that the divinity is devoid of time. It is a moment when the time is a pure illusion and past, present and future are mere fictional ideas. Renowned Pantheist Albert Einstein also have stated the illusionary existence of the past, present, future in a letter to his friend’s family.

Shams says,

“The past is an interpretation. The future is an illusion. The world does not move through times as if it were a straight line, proceeding from past to the future. If you want to experience eternal illumination, put the past and future out of your mind and remain within the present moment.”

Religion & Mysticism

Every religion has their segment of mysticism and notions to spirituality. Hinduism emphasizes “Know Thyself,” but Sufism emphasizes on “Knowing Thy God.” But is that what religions preach today?

"This is not what is written in our religion." I hear that sentence from my friends from different religions when they defend the bigotry in the name of their religion. Does this answer suffice the question? No, it does not. In my opinion, what is being practiced today in the name of any specific religion must be scrutinized on their current account? For a moment, let's consider that the beginning is pure but as the power and dominance rose through the scriptures, we are dealing with a whole new version of what was preached centuries ago.

One can't turn away from the current version of religions that is the root of all the political, cultural and social dogmas. Divides created by religion have made this world a plight where clashes and conflicts replace the harmony, humanity, and brotherhood.

To sum up the thought, this poem by Rumi fits aptly,


In the adorations and benedictions of righteous men
The praises of all the prophets are kneaded together.
All their praises are mingled into one stream,
All the vessels are emptied into one ewer.
Because He that is praised is, in fact, only One.
In this respect, all religions are only one religion.
Because all praises are directed towards God’s Light,
These various forms and figures are borrowed from it.

The essence of this novel tells whats utterly wrong in our world. How we have never learned from the simplest forms of teachings on love. Maybe this looks like romanticism each has during their 20s. But maybe the romantic and dreamy people are keeping it all sane and alive for all of us. In the end, two important personalities of my century must be mentioned.

When Asked in an interview,

What is the most important quality that a revolutionary to possess?

Che: Love! Love for humanity. Justice and truth.

And the 2nd guy is John Lennon Singing his greatest musical gift to the world 'Imagine'

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