Monday 7 September 2015

Nicolai: See, my girl sent me letters. She says that she still loves me. I told her in my last letter that I will fight these Nazis. I will kill as many as I can. I will make my mother Russia proud. Then I will return to her with medals on my chests.
Soldier: Haha.
Nicolai: What’s so funny brother?
Soldier: How naïve!
Nicolai: Naïve! I have a gun in my hand. Still, I look naïve? It's not my gun. Stalin gave me this. Some unknown comrade in Tula may have made it avenge his young boy who might have died in Ukraine fighting Nazis. We eat the food on the war front; the food is grown on our farms where our comrades fell in war. Where our children wept. We are fighting for the glory of our revolution and the glory of our great supreme leader Stalin!!
        We are fighting for the equality and justice for our future generations. For eternal victory and peace for proletariats.
Soldier: Eternal victory? I don’t know anything about this. All I know that I was a worker in a metal factory in Moscow. They said he looks fine. He will survive for a month more, and I am here with Stalin’s gun.
       It's they or us. Maybe they will die, and you and I live. Maybe they and I live, and you die. Maybe we all die.Finally, all that Stalin will do is, he will shake hands. Either with shame or madness with his eternal victory. We will go back to those places where we came from. Your girl won’t be the same, and I might not survive working in the factory for another month.
Nicolai: Maybe. But It's not just about us. It's about our motherland.
Soldier: Do you think it all survive?
All you ever knew,
You memories
Your Silent Gods
Heaven -Hell
Loved ones
Strangers & their kisses
Events and memories of all this
Planned moments
Unsaid words
Unknown, unfinished feelings
Your equality and justice
Bourgeoisie & Proletariats
Marx, Lenin, Stalin
The sense of rage
Dead Nazis
The blood of them on your dying feet
All will disappear
Just one sudden bullet inside you
Just like the wind blows inside your body mercilessly.
And it won’t matter
to matter anything, anymore.
You will be you for a brief moment
With Ecstasy,
While gasping for last breath with a bullet in your neck.
You will breathe just to breathe and nothing for your glory!!
Nicolai: Oh! What could be more horrible than this emptiness, at all?
Soldier: Why, Life itself!!